Shandong Meihang Chemical Co., Ltd


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JK-1 nematode specific

  • JK-1 nematode specific
    1. JK-1 nematode specific

JK-1 nematode specific

Show you the relevant content of Shandong Meihang Chemical Co., Ltd. Synergist JK-1 for nematodes

Shandong Meihang Chemical Co., Ltd

Contact person: Mr. Wang

Mobile phone: 15853000333

Tel: 0530-5800918 Fax: 0530-6261629

Address: No. 666 Zhonghua West Road, High tech Zone, Heze City

Information Details


JK-1 nematode specific

1、 JK-1 Product Features

1. JK-1 pure biological fermentation product, free from pesticides and pesticide derivative components, and free from prohibited ingredients.

2. JK-1 mixed with products such as Avermectin emulsifiable concentrate or thiazolidines, with 500 grams of additives per acre, can increase the effectiveness of Avermectin or thiazolidines by twice and the shelf life by 50%, reducing the number of days for thiazolidines to slow down seedlings.

3. JK-1 indoor bioassay showed a strong response to nematodes within 30 minutes and death within 12 hours.

4. JK-1 has a strong synergistic effect on antibiotics such as avermectin and thiazolidines.

5. JK-1 is highly safe for crops and can be used with peace of mind.

2、 JK-1 usage technology

1. JK-1 is used alone, with 1 kilogram for drip irrigation per mu and 2-3 kilograms for flushing application.

2. JK-1 can be used in combination with products such as avermectin or thiazolidines, increasing the efficiency by more than twice.

3、 JK-1 product indicators

Packaging specifications: 1000kg, 200kg

3 Testing methods

3.1 Appearance of raw materials

According to the "Sampling Method for Commercial Raw Materials" in GB/T1605-2001. Determine the sampled packaging using the random number table method; The final sampling quantity should not be less than 100g, and the appearance of the sample should be observed.

3.2 Determination of JK-1 Solid Content

3.2.1 Instruments and equipment

Weighing bottle: ¥ 50 × 30mm

Electric oven: 0-200 ℃, accuracy ± 1 ℃.

3.2.2 Measurement steps

Weigh approximately 2g of the sample (accurate to 0.0002g) and place it in a weighing bottle that has been kept at a constant weight of 105 ± 2 ℃. Dry it in an electric oven at 105 ± 2 ℃ for 2 hours, transfer it to a dryer, cool it to room temperature (about 30min), and weigh it.

3.2.3 Expression of Results

The non volatile substance X expressed as a percentage of mass is calculated using the following formula:

X=m1/m × 10 0 %

In the formula: m1- mass of the sample after drying, g

M - Mass of the sample before drying, g

Greater than 0.01%.

3.3 Determination of Specific Gravity

According to the provisions of 2.3.1 Pyknometer Method in GB/T 4472-1984. Other test methods that can meet the analysis requirements can also be used. The temperature correction coefficient for sample density is 0.000 93 g/(cm3 · ℃) within the range of 15 ℃ to 35 ℃. The pyknometer method is the arbitration method.

Take the arithmetic mean of two parallel measurement results as the measurement result. The difference between the results of two parallel measurements shall not exceed 0.001 g/cm3.

3.4 pH measurement

According to the provisions of GB/T 1601-93. Weigh 0.5 grams of JK-1 into a beaker, add 50mL of distilled water with a pH of 5.5-7.0, vigorously stir for 1 minute, and let stand for 1 minute. Insert the washed glass electrode and calomel electrode into the sample solution and measure their pH value. At least three parallel measurements should be made, and the absolute difference in the measurement results should be less than 0.1. The arithmetic mean of the results is the pH value of the sample.

JK-1 nematode specific 2023-8-29 本文被阅读 49 次
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