Shandong Meihang Chemical Co., Ltd


product category



MH-21 suspension agent specific wetting and dispersing agent

  • MH-21 suspension agent specific wetting and dispersing agent
    1. MH-21 suspension agent specific wetting and dispersing agent

MH-21 suspension agent specific wetting and dispersing agent

MH-21 suspension agent specific wetting and dispersing agentThis product is a highly efficient,

Shandong Meihang Chemical Co., Ltd

Contact person: Mr. Wang

Mobile phone: 15853000333

Tel: 0530-5800918 Fax: 0530-6261629

Address: No. 666 Zhonghua West Road, High tech Zone, Heze City

Information Details


MH-21 suspension agent specific wetting and dispersing agent

This product is a highly efficient, environmentally friendly, wetting and dispersing agent developed specifically for suspension agents. This product is a high molecular weight polyether phosphate amine salt polymer with high cost-effectiveness. It is widely used in suspension agents and has good wetting and dispersion properties. It has good adaptability to products with low melting points of active ingredients and has a good inhibitory effect on product gelatinization. The formulation has high emulsification degree and good stability!

Application features:

1: Super universality: suitable for most SC products, with good compatibility with other dispersants

2: The product is easy to flow: it has good low-temperature fluidity and is convenient for production and use

3: Less foaming during sand grinding: low foaming during sand grinding, high efficiency

Technical indicators:

Applicable scope:

Applicable suspension agents (SC), suspension emulsions (SE), and water emulsions (EW)

Packaging: 200 kg/barrel

MH-21 suspension agent specific wetting and dispersing agent 2024-5-31 本文被阅读 27 次
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