Shandong Meihang Chemical Co., Ltd


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MH-4 peptide cyanidin

  • MH-4 peptide cyanidin
    1. MH-4 peptide cyanidin

MH-4 peptide cyanidin

MH-4 peptide cyanidinProduct name: Peptide blue pigmentPhysical and chemical properties: White powde

Shandong Meihang Chemical Co., Ltd

Contact person: Mr. Wang

Mobile phone: 15853000333

Tel: 0530-5800918 Fax: 0530-6261629

Address: No. 666 Zhonghua West Road, High tech Zone, Heze City

Information Details


MH-4 peptide cyanidin

Product name: Peptide blue pigment

Physical and chemical properties: White powder. Colorless and tasteless,

Stable in nature, easily soluble in water

Function characteristics:

1. This product has strong chelation adsorption function, which can chelate and adsorb trace elements and other nutrients in the soil, reduce the loss and waste of nutrients, improve fertilizer utilization efficiency, reduce fertilizer usage, and reduce environmental pollution caused by excessive fertilizer application. It also has special biological activity and has a certain promoting effect on the physiological development of plants.

2. This product can slow-release nutrients in the soil, fix fertilizer and retain water, prevent nutrient loss and infiltration; And it can serve as a carrier for transporting and transmitting nutrients such as trace elements to the roots of crops, which is beneficial for crop absorption and promotes the development of root systems. With more, stronger, and thicker roots, it can achieve strong seedlings and increase crop yield and income.

3. Non hormone, fully water-soluble, colorless and odorless, it is an active substance required for crop growth and development after degradation, and has good ecological value.

Physiological activity

Peptide blue pigment effectively regulates plant growth and development by affecting the ultrastructure and function of plant cells, as well as regulating the content of nucleic acid, protein, and peroxidase in their bodies, thereby significantly improving the yield and quality of various crops. Specifically, it is manifested as:

1. Promote cell division and elongation, accelerate the growth and differentiation of growth points, promote seed germination, promote tillering and branching;

2. Increase the activity of peroxidase and nitrate reductase, increase the content of chlorophyll and nucleic acid, and photosynthetic rate, and delay plant aging;

3. Improve nitrogen and carbon metabolism capacity, promote root development, promote stem and leaf growth, flower bud differentiation, early bud emergence and flowering, increase fruit setting rate, and promote crop maturity;

4. Activate excellent genes to fully exert their effects, strengthen defense and stress resistance mechanisms, and thrive even in adversity, significantly increasing yield and improving quality.

5. Has special effects on crop wilt and viral diseases. Peptide green pigment is a compound with extremely high biological activity, which is a substitute product for plant growth regulators such as gibberellins, auxins, naphthalene rings, adenines, etc. It has been proven through domestic and foreign experiments that skin green pigment is a newly discovered high-efficiency plant growth substance, which has significant effects on increasing yield, resisting stress, disease, improving quality, and early ripening of various crops. It is a compound with high biological activity. It can be combined with multiple elements and can also be used in combination with fungicides to enhance the plant's disease resistance and improve its sterilization effect; Peptide blue has been widely used in agriculture due to its unique multifunctional effects. The revolution known as plant growth regulators by botanists and agricultural scientists around the world.

Usage and dosage:

Foliar fertilizer: 0.5-1.5g/mu

Drip irrigation fertilizer: 10g to 15g/mu

Fertilization: 20-40 grams/acre

Product specifications: 25 kg/barrel

MH-4 peptide cyanidin 2024-5-31 本文被阅读 24 次
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