Shandong Meihang Chemical Co., Ltd


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MH-5 Phenolphthalamine Ester

  • MH-5 Phenolphthalamine Ester
    1. MH-5 Phenolphthalamine Ester

MH-5 Phenolphthalamine Ester

MH-5 Phenolphthalamine EsterAfter spraying a mixture of phenolphthalamide and lipid onto crops,

Shandong Meihang Chemical Co., Ltd

Contact person: Mr. Wang

Mobile phone: 15853000333

Tel: 0530-5800918 Fax: 0530-6261629

Address: No. 666 Zhonghua West Road, High tech Zone, Heze City

Information Details


MH-5 Phenolphthalamine Ester

After spraying a mixture of phenolphthalamide and lipid onto crops, it can be absorbed by the leaves and transported to various parts of the stem and root, promoting the coordinated development of nutritional growth and reproductive growth. Accelerate organ formation and development, generate high-quality stamens, promote pollen tube elongation and pollen germination, balance male to female ratio, maintain long-lasting fertilization process, control nutrient growth, and promote reproductive growth. It can effectively improve the efficiency of photosynthesis, significantly increase the setting rate and fruit setting rate, promote fruit enlargement, and improve the quality of crop fruits.

1. Promoting flowering and pregnancy: Promote the formation of chlorophyll and anthocyanins, alleviate the contradiction of insufficient endogenous hormones during the flowering period of plants, meet the demand for growth hormone in flower bud differentiation, and promote the movement of nutrients towards flower buds, inducing flowering.

2. Protecting flowers and fruits: Enhancing plant cell vitality, enabling normal division of ovary and dense disk cells, relatively elongated stigma, facilitating pollination and fertilization, and enhancing the ability to resist adverse weather conditions such as strong winds, continuous rain, low temperatures, drought, and sandstorms. To prevent physiological and pre harvest fruit drop, the natural maturity period can be advanced by 5-7 days to prevent the formation of abscission layers at the base of the petiole and fruit stem.

3. Improving quality: promoting fruit enlargement and increasing yield. Improving the photosynthetic efficiency of leaves is beneficial for accumulating more dry matter, increasing the fruit setting rate, causing fruit enlargement, and optimizing fruit quality.

4. Advantages over gibberellin: 1. Under adverse conditions, the effect of flowering and fruiting is significantly better than gibberellin; 2. The phenomenon of fruit drop in the later stage of the fruit is significantly reduced, and the effect is better than gibberellin. 3. Safety, significantly better than gibberellin in improving fruit quality. Therefore, phenolphthalamide is a potential substitute for traditional pollination and fruit setting products, flower and fruit preservation products, and substances such as gibberellins.

During the flowering and young fruit stages of jujube trees, spraying a 20% soluble agent 1000 times the liquid 1-2 times can significantly reduce physiological fruit drop, effectively expand the fruit, and be convenient and safe to use. During the seedling stage, budding stage, and early flowering stage, pepper can be sprayed three times with a 1000 fold solution of 20% soluble agent. After inducing apple flowering or before bagging, spraying with a 1000 fold solution of 20% soluble agent can increase fruit set rate, promote resistance, and significantly increase fruit growth and accumulate nutrients; Spray again after bagging to reduce fruit drop in the later stages of growth.

Product specifications: 25 kg/barrel

MH-5 Phenolphthalamine Ester 2024-5-31 本文被阅读 15 次
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